Tomo Fujita Guitar Wisdom

$19.99 a month

Tomo Fujita is a professional musician and a guitar professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. In these lessons, Tomo applies the teaching methods and approach developed for his students over the past three decades.

Explore this site: (1) BROWSE to the "Welcome" section and watch the introductory videos, and (2) check out the "Welcome" post in the FORUMS.

Visit for information about Tomo and Guitar Wisdom.

  • Welcome to Guitar Wisdom

    3 videos

    Introduction to Guitar Wisdom and this Site

  • Essential Chords, Picking, Strumming, Muting

    20 videos

    Chords, Picking, Strumming, Muting: Essential elements that every beginner ought to learn, and every intermediate player ought to know.

    B1. Open Chord: E minor
    B2. Open Chord: D
    B3. Open Chord: C
    B4. Open Chord: G
    B5. Open Chord: A
    B6. Open Chords: E A Em Am
    B7. Open Chords: G E- C D "Songwrite...

  • Essential Music Theory

    30 videos

    Please bear with us as we update all the Essential Theory lessons for a better learning experience. Each updated lesson is identified by "ET" in the title.

    ET01. C Major Scale
    ET02. Major Scale in a Different Key - F Major Scale
    ET03. Roman Numerals in Music
    ET04. Dorian Scale
    ET05. Mixolydian S...

  • Foundation: Technique

    14 videos

    FT Grip, Thumb Position, Strap
    FT How to Change Strings
    FT Learning the Fretboard without Memorization
    FT Tone Secrets - Best Tone for Practice
    FT25 (012-2) Fingering Exercises
    FT08 String Bending Practice Tips
    FT String Bending 2022
    FT String Bending + Vibrato Technique
    FT Practicing with a Metr...

  • Fretboard Mastery: Triads

    18 videos

    Triads are very important building blocks in your foundation. Fluency in triads is essential to learning the fretboard and developing your ability to improvise melodically. If you have questions about Major Scales, please refer to the relevant lessons in Essential Music Theory as you study this s...

  • Fretboard Mastery: Spread-Voiced Triads

    18 videos

    Triads are very important building blocks in your foundation. Fluency in triads is essential to learning the fretboard and developing your ability to improvise melodically. These spread-voiced triads will expand your vocabulary, opening the door to dramatic improvement in your soloing!

    FST 01. S...

  • Foundation: Chords

    14 videos

    Chords that you will use! If you do not understand scales, degrees and intervals, please work on the Essential Music Theory section before jumping in here.

    FC Power Chords
    FC Barre Chords
    FT13 (006-3A) CAGED System
    FT14 (006-3B) Songwriting Chords
    FC Drop 2 Voicings, 7th Chord Inversions
    FC Drop...

  • Blues Lessons: Foundation & More

    23 videos

    FC Drop 2 Voicings, 7th Chord Inversions
    FT30. (BL05) Dominant 7th Chords: 4-Note Voicings.
    FT31. C7(9), v minor and vi minor triads.
    FT37. (BL16) E Blues Shuffle Groove: 12-Bar Blues Riff.
    FB Blues Shuffle - Rhythm Guitar.
    FB Blues Shuffle - Bassline.
    FB Blues Shuffle Riff & Bassline - Play/Sing...

  • Sight-Reading Series, Part I

    32 videos

    Welcome to the Guitar Wisdom Sight-Reading Series, in which Tomo will guide you through Section One of a popular Berklee lesson book, "A Modern Method for Guitar, Volume 1" by William G. Leavitt, former Chair of the Guitar Department at Berklee College of Music. Section One of the Leavitt book fo...

  • Sight-Reading Series, Part II

    32 videos

    The sight-reading lessons continue with Section Two of "A Modern Method for Guitar, Volume 1" by William G. Leavitt. In order to follow these lessons, you will need to purchase a copy of the book, which is available at and elsewhere.

    SR33. Pages 60, 61. C Major – 2nd Position.

  • Sight-Reading Series, Part III

    28 videos

    The sight-reading lessons continue with the final pages of "A Modern Method for Guitar, Volume 1" by William G. Leavitt. In order to follow these lessons, you will need to purchase a copy of the book, which is available at and elsewhere.

    SR65. Page 97. Chord Forms.
    SR66. Page 98...

  • Fretboard Harmony: Applied Theory Part 1

    20 videos

    AT01. Applying Diatonic Chords
    AT02. A-7 Funk Groove: Triad Approach
    AT03. Soloing Ideas for min7 Chords
    AT04. Soloing Over Dom7 Chords
    AT05. One Six Two Five - 7th Chords
    AT06. One Six Two Five Improvisation
    AT07. G Blues Rhythm Playing
    AT08. Soloing Over G Blues
    AT09. Soloing Over Minor Chords

  • Fretboard Harmony: Applied Theory Part 2

    23 videos

    AT21. Georgia Chords
    AT22. Jazzy Minor Blues Soloing Approach
    AT23. Simple 2-5-1 Jazz Phrase in 3 Positions
    AT24. Twinkle Jazz
    AT25. Twinkle Hendrix
    AT26. Lovely Chords
    AT27. F Jazz Blues with R 3 7 Chords
    AT28. F Jazz Blues with 4-Note Tension Chords
    AT29. F Jazz Blues with 4-Note Chords: Same T...

  • Jazz Standards

    20 videos

    Explore the Jazz Standards that have influenced musicians for decades. In these lessons, you will have the opportunity to learn (1) the chord voicings that Tomo uses in playing these Standards, and (2) elements of jazz harmony. These lessons will also lead to much improvement in your rhythm play...

  • Basic Funk Lessons

    5 videos

    Please bear with us as we revise this section in an effort to improve your user experience. Thank you for choosing Guitar Wisdom as your learning platform!

    BF Basic Funky Rhythm Guitar Technique
    BF Root 3rd 7th Funk Riff + Bassline
    BF Funk Rhythm in A minor with Triads
    BF Slap Guitar -- Four Ele...

  • Neo Soul/R&B Lessons

    10 videos

    33. Tom Misch Chord Changes: Crazy Dream
    34. Tom Misch Chord Changes: Soloing Ideas
    35. Neo Soul/R&B Rhythm Playing (WGO Chords)
    36. Neo Soul/ Improvising Over R&B Chord Changes
    37. Neo Soul/R&B Double Stop Fills (David T. Walker)
    44. Neo Soul/R&B Benson Groove Chord Changes
    45. Neo Soul/R&B Bens...

  • Tomo Fujita Original Music: Lessons/Demos

    15 videos

    TFO L01 (L41) "Kyoto" Part 1: Chord Changes, Triads Etude.
    TFO D01 (D41) "Kyoto" Soloing Demo.
    TFO L02 (L52) "Kyoto" Part 2 - Melody.
    TFO B01 (B03) "Kyoto" Backing Track.
    TFO L03 (L47) "Confidence Cat" Intro and B Section.
    TFO L04 (L47-1) "Confidence Cat" Funky Fast Triplets.
    TFO D02 (D47) "Confi...

  • Q&A/Proficiency

    4 videos

    Guitar-playing proficiency videos, and Tomo's answers to subscribers' questions. This playlist will likely give you some helpful ideas about how/what you ought to practice!

    These QAP videos will be replaced with updated versions in the coming weeks and months. Please bear with us, as we strive t...

  • Blues and Jazz/Blues Demos

    19 videos

    09. Fender 1956 Musicmaster. Bb Blues/Swing Groove.
    10. Fender 1956 Musicmaster. Bb Jazz Blues.
    15. Fender Japan Telecaster, Jazz/Blues Walking Bass.
    16. John Page Classic AJ, A Blues Soloing.
    17. John Page Classic AJ. Jazz/Blues Rhythm Playing.
    19. 1965 Stratocaster. Blues including Lightnin' Ho...

  • Funk/Jazz Demos

    9 videos

    01. Kanji TF Signature. Funky Rhythm.
    02. Fender 1965 Stratocaster. Funky Rhythm.
    11. Ibanez AZ Prestige. Funky E Blues.
    13. Ibanez AZ Prestige. Funky Groove (Sunny).
    22. Fender Japan Telecaster. Solo Over Funky Groove.
    23. Kanji Hard Tail/PRS (Japan). Funky Rhythm in E.
    27. PRS (Japan), Fu...

  • Neo Soul/R&B/Jazz Demos

    8 videos

    12. Ibanez AZ Prestige. R&B (WGO) Chord Changes.
    17. John Page Classic AJ. Jazz Blues/R&B Rhythm.
    37. Gibson (1967) ES-335. Neo Soul/R&B (WGO) Solo.
    40. Fender JM Strat. Neo Soul (Tom Misch) Soloing.
    45. Gibson ES-335. Benson Groove (Affirmation) Solo.
    46. Fender SRV Strat. Soulful Ja...

  • Gear Exploration Demos

    15 videos

    Unless otherwise noted, Amp is a Fender Pro Reverb.
    03. Fender Japan, Inexpensive Guitar.
    04. 1967 Gibson ES-335. Blues, Jazz, Bending.
    05. 1967 Gibson ES-335. Blues Phrasing. Bending.
    06. Kanji Hard Tail. Swing Blues.
    07. Fender Squier STRAT, Inexpensive Guitar.
    08. Fender 1956 Duo-Sonic. ...

  • TF Backing Tracks

    19 videos

    Play along with these Backing Tracks, many of which include soloing demos. Click "show more" to see a list.

    01. B minor Blues
    02. Blues Bossa Nova
    03. "Kyoto" by Tomo Fujita
    04. Soulful Jazz (Lovely) Chord Changes
    05. "Crazy Dream" Chords
    06. Neo Soul/R&B Chord Changes
    07. Slow Blues in C

  • TF Gear Tours

    4 videos

    Tomo gives subscribers an insiders' look at his various guitars, amplifiers, effects, speakers and more! Click "show more" to see list.

    01. Fender Pro Reverb. Two-Rock TF Signature. Two-Rock with String Driver Cabinet.
    02. Blues Cube Artist. Nolatone Club Master.
    03. Fender Princeton Rever...