B10 Open Chords - Strumming, Counting, Words of Wisdom
Essential Chords, Picking, Strumming, Muting
Open Chords: Strumming and Counting. Sub-dividing the count: 1&2&3&4&. Strumming down on the 1, 2, 3, 4 and strumming up on the &. Advice for guitarists. Guitar: Orangewood Ava Mahogany Live. D’Addario Strings. Pickboy TF Signature. Pickboy Tomo Fujita Wisdom Picks.
NOTE: if you are not already familiar with the Songwriter Chords in this lesson, please study Beginner Series lessons B7, B8 and B9.
Up Next in Essential Chords, Picking, Strumming, Muting
B11 Open Chords - Fingerpicking, Arpe...
Open Chords: Songwriter Chords - Fingerpicking and Arpeggios. Three fingerpicking patterns. Guitar: Orangewood Ava Mahogany Live. D’Addario Strings.
NOTE: If you are not already familiar with the Songwriter Chords in this lesson, please study Beginner Series lessons B7, B8 and B9.
B12 Barre Chords - Major, minor - Ana...
Barre Chords (Acoustic Guitar): Major & minor. Analyzing a Song. Guitar: Orangewood Ava Mahogany Live. D’Addario Strings. Pickboy TF Signature.
B13 Following Chords with Triads
Following Chords with Triads. (See chords in Lesson B12.) Learning to follow chords with Triads will provide a solid foundation for improvisation. Guitar: Orangewood Ava Mahogany Live. D’Addario Strings. Pickboy TF Signature.