FT14 (006-3B) Songwriting Chords - 1st Position + Moveable Forms - Voicings
Foundation: Chords
Songwriting Chords, 1st Position and Moveable Forms, Voicings. Ear Training. Learning to recognize a chord progression in a song. Play a I V vi- IV progression and more! Guitar: Orangewood Ava Mahogany Live. D’Addario Strings. Pickboy TF Signature.
Up Next in Foundation: Chords
FC Drop 2 Voicings - 7th Chord Invers...
Drop 2 Voicings, 7th Chord Inversions, Strings 4 3 2 1. Paying attention to the top note. Guitar: Ibanez AZ2204N. Fender Pro Reverb (2). Lehle P-Split. D’Addario EXL110 (.010-.046) Strings, Providence E205TF Cable. Pickboy TF Signature.
FC Drop 2 Voicings - Maj7 Chord Inver...
FC Drop 2 Voicings, Maj7 Chord Inversions, Strings 4 3 2 1. Paying attention to the top note. Voice leading. Guitar: Ibanez AZES31. Ibanez IBZ10G Amp. One Control Prussian Blue Reverb. D’Addario EXL110 (.010-.046) Strings, Providence E205TF Cable. Pickboy TF Signature.
FC Drop 2 Voicings - min7 Chord Inver...
Drop 2 Voicings: minor 7th Chord inversions on Strings 4 3 2 1. Paying attention to the top note. Voice leading. Guitar: Ibanez AZES40. Fender Pro Reverb (2). Lehle P-Split. D’Addario EXL110 (.010-.046) Strings, Providence E205TF Cable. Pickboy TF Signature.