Guitar-playing proficiency videos, and Tomo's answers to subscribers' questions. This playlist will likely give you some helpful ideas about how/what you ought to practice!
These QAP videos will be replaced with updated versions in the coming weeks and months. Please bear with us, as we strive to provide our members with the best possible learning experience. Thanks!
QAP01. Foundation Test Level 1
QAP02. How to Learn with Guitar Wisdom
QAP03. Learning to Improvise
QAP04. Foundation Test Level 2
QAP01 Foundation Test Level 1 - Chromatic Scale - Triads - R 3 7 - Shuffle
Foundation Test Level 1. Chromatic Scale – Fingering Technique. Triads: Vertical, Horizontal, Same Inversion. R37 Swing Groove: Strumming, Muting Technique. Shuffle Blues: Bass Line. Guitar: Kanji Hard Tail. Fender Pro Reverb (2). D’Addario Strings. Pickboy 1 mm TF Signature.
Before going ahead...
QAP02 How to Learn with Guitar Wisdom
How to Learn with Guitar Wisdom. This site is not designed for a typical “A to Z” approach. If you are a beginner, start with Essential Chords and the Sight-Reading Series. If you are an intermediate or advanced player, focus on technique, theory, fretboard mastery and fretboard harmony! What are...
QAP03 Learning to Improvise
How can I learn to improvise? What is the best method for learning? What are you thinking, when you improvise? Tomo has some answers for these and other questions. Know the song form/chord progression. Understand guide tones. Prepare: listen, copy, analyze, and compose! Guitar: PRS Silver Sky. Fe...
QAP04 Foundation Test Level 2
Foundation Test Level 2. Scales. Triads. 7th Chords. Groove. Performance. Guitar: PRS Silver Sky. Fender Pro Reverb (2). D’Addario Strings. Pickboy TF Signature.